Football Results Archive

The online football results archive


Refund Policy

We offer a 14 day returns and refund policy
Should, for some reason, our software, that you downloaded and paid for, not perform in the manner as stated on this web site, you shall be entitled to a full refund of the amount that you have paid as the annual subscription within 14 days of your purchase.
Provided always that we are given the opportunity to try and rectify any problem via email (
How to obtain a refund
Contact us be email ( and let us know exactly what the problem is, providing as much information as possible. We will then respond within 24 hours and try to determine how to rectify your problem.
If, after 7 days, we are unable to get the software working properly, we will authorise Worldpay to make a full refund to the credit or debit card account that you made payment with.
Updated - 18/04/2024
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